A Second Chance With My Billionaire Love - Chapter 2327

Chapter 2327


Leonel was on the verge of heading out for a meeting when he noticed Alexis lounging around. He stopped in his tracks.

“Aren’t you planning to go to the law firm?”

Alexis didn’t even look at him.

“Skipping it. I secretly hope it shuts down soon so I can comfortably bask in my family’s wealth, just like Elva. You can’t imagine how much I envy her!”

Leonel pursed his lips.

“You don’t have to work if you don’t want to!”

Money was the least of the Fowler family’s concerns.

Alexis cast a fleeting smile in his direction but remained silent.

Leonel’s appointment was with a prominent real estate mogul. In his pursuit of establishing a financial foothold back home, he needed to acquire a building to bolster his image and make a lasting impression in business circles.

He had his sights set on one and had even arranged a dinner meeting for that evening.

Angela’s Library

Though Leonel was affluent, he had recently returned to the country and his roots weren’t deeply established, so most people were unaware of his connection to the Fowler family.

He imbibed rather liberally during the dinner.

Yet, being youthful, his alcohol tolerance held firm, and he swiftly regained composure after a brief restroom visit.

Emerging from the restroom, his stride faltered.


Wasn’t she supposed to be at home? What was she doing at a social gathering?

She sported her usual professional attire, though it appeared more refined than usual, accentuated by a delicate diamond necklace gracing her slender neck. It was undeniably captivating.

Leonel found himself staring at her for an extended moment.

Leaning casually against the wall, Alexis met his gaze. She regarded him in a flirty manner he hadn’t previously witnessed.

“Mr. Douglas!”

Leonel wasn’t particularly fond of that facet of her personality.

He approached her, peering down.

“Weren’t you supposed to be at home?

As a lawyer, why are you out here, mingling and getting so intoxicated?”

